TN23 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

TN23 7 is a postcode sector in Ashford, UK. Below is a complete list of TN23 7 Postcodes (Active). TN23 7 postcode sector comprises of 80 active postcodes. TN23 7 sector has a population of 3262, and it has 1315 properties in the region.

Browse Information On TN23 7 postcode sector

TN23 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3262
Addresses / Property Count 1315
Active Postcodes 80
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of TN23 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 80 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
TN23 7AB 51.13814000 0.87056100 18 50 600912 141570
TN23 7AD 51.13786100 0.86982900 1 7 600862 141537
TN23 7AE 51.14342100 0.87090600 N/A N/A 600913 142158
TN23 7AF 51.14291400 0.87176100 N/A N/A 600975 142104
TN23 7AG 51.14298500 0.87179400 N/A N/A 600977 142112
TN23 7AH 51.14291400 0.87176100 N/A N/A 600975 142104
TN23 7AJ 51.14354100 0.87187100 N/A N/A 600980 142174
TN23 7AL 51.14321700 0.87039300 N/A N/A 600878 142134
TN23 7DG 51.13711500 0.87019800 N/A N/A 600891 141455
TN23 7DH 51.13517700 0.87072100 N/A N/A 600936 141241
TN23 7HE 51.14475100 0.86911300 6 14 600782 142301
TN23 7HJ 51.14396800 0.87058200 N/A N/A 600888 142218
TN23 7HL 51.14378800 0.86949900 29 71 600813 142195
TN23 7HQ 51.14513700 0.87022600 2 2 600858 142347
TN23 7QH 51.13871400 0.86219000 13 15 600324 141611
TN23 7RP 51.14152300 0.87162900 26 60 600972 141949
TN23 7RR 51.14166500 0.87317100 N/A N/A 601079 141969
TN23 7RS 51.14080400 0.87378700 10 18 601126 141875
TN23 7RX 51.14077200 0.87364200 2 5 601116 141871
TN23 7SB 51.14019000 0.87426600 12 28 601162 141808
TN23 7SD 51.14097200 0.87173800 3 8 600982 141888
TN23 7SE 51.14018700 0.87108900 31 66 600940 141799
TN23 7SF 51.13927200 0.87027400 18 46 600887 141695
TN23 7SG 51.13804000 0.86914000 28 69 600813 141555
TN23 7SH 51.13556900 0.86757400 N/A N/A 600714 141276
TN23 7SJ 51.13646500 0.86696900 10 34 600668 141374
TN23 7SP 51.13663700 0.86583600 30 91 600588 141390
TN23 7SR 51.13918200 0.86952500 12 30 600835 141683
TN23 7SS 51.13820500 0.86865000 36 103 600778 141572
TN23 7ST 51.14037900 0.87060000 26 68 600905 141819
TN23 7SU 51.14072400 0.87229700 19 37 601022 141862
TN23 7SW 51.13708600 0.86770800 16 43 600717 141445
TN23 7SX 51.13968100 0.87228700 17 54 601026 141746
TN23 7SY 51.13998300 0.87207700 30 68 601010 141779
TN23 7SZ 51.14006800 0.87262600 4 13 601048 141790
TN23 7TA 51.14020900 0.87278000 5 13 601058 141806
TN23 7TB 51.13962600 0.87122600 3 9 600952 141737
TN23 7TD 51.13938800 0.87103900 5 10 600940 141710
TN23 7TE 51.13914700 0.87204200 N/A N/A 601011 141686
TN23 7TF 51.13928700 0.87293400 28 81 601073 141704
TN23 7TG 51.13926600 0.87453400 19 42 601185 141706
TN23 7TH 51.13903600 0.87472000 16 31 601199 141681
TN23 7TJ 51.13923100 0.87083200 2 4 600926 141692
TN23 7TN 51.13868200 0.87415800 2 4 601161 141640
TN23 7TP 51.13808500 0.87393500 18 46 601148 141573
TN23 7TR 51.13780100 0.87412900 36 95 601163 141542
TN23 7TS 51.13808600 0.87165900 18 53 600989 141567
TN23 7TT 51.13773400 0.87133700 14 31 600968 141527
TN23 7TU 51.13856900 0.87033100 6 20 600894 141617
TN23 7TW 51.13851500 0.87325800 64 147 601099 141619
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